Happy September! I can't believe how quickly this year is going by! I figure that if I'm going to have time to make the kids Halloween costumes I need to get working on it. Last night I asked them what they wanted to be for Halloween (to give me an idea of what I'm up against!). Here's the decisions:
Sandra wanted to be a mermaid... then I asked her if she wants to be Cinderella (she's in a big princess phase and has started pretending to be Cinderella, to the point of telling us that's her name)... so she then changed her mind and wants to be Cinderella. We'll see how that goes..
Grant wants to be a T-rex meat eater! Hum, not sure how to pull that off.
Then it was Talmage's turn and he said he wants to be a deer. Really?!? a deer? I guess I should say that Talmage definitely has very interesting costume choices when it comes to Halloween. Two years ago he was a pink pig, last year he wanted to be a white kitten (I convinced him to be a tiger instead) so I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't see that one coming! Crazy kid.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them. I'm glad Mhari is not intelligible enough to get an opinion from her yet. I guess everyone will be surprised for Halloween, because honestly Cinderella is hard enough to try to make let alone a t-rex and a deer!
Here are some fun pics so you still get to see the kids :)

On the trip back from phx. Talmage and Sandra in the back. They did pretty good together.

Here's Mhari after she stole Grant's bunny (that he took home from Grandma's house). Mhari was very happy, Grant was not. We had to make a trade to get the bunny back for Grant.
Grant was happy with the bunny again...

and Mhari got the dinosaur - good trade :). Kids are funny!