I had a great time with my mom in town. It was nice for her to take a break from her busy life and spend some time hanging out and playing with the grand kids! I did say that I would get a picture of my mom in the shirts I made her for Christmas. Well, here is proof that it fits! This is the one she brought and I think it worked out well :).
The kids really had a great time hanging out with Grandma! Boys and Grandma before school.
Girls and Grandma (in new dresses, from grandma) after the boys headed out to school :).
It was great to have my mom around to visit with, but man if we didn't get some hard work accomplished! She brought a suitcase full of material, batting, and thread. That turned into 2 burp clothes, 4 baby quilts, 4 baby receiving blankets, and 4 kid quilts! Man all that pinning, tying, and sewing kept us pretty busy! We finished up the last baby quilts the morning before she left. They turned out great and it's great to have more blankets for the new little ones! I must say that our backs were pretty sore from all that hard work. It was all worth it though!

Oh, and the big kids love their new blankets too! It's a good thing we did theirs first!