Getting so big... Love the overalls :)
The best smile shot. Mhari is in the background... not quite what I was going for.
This is my favorite thus far. I just wish the smile one turned out better. Oh, and he looks a bit cross eyed... hmmm.

I guess you can't really go wrong with sleeping pictures. He really is so peaceful when he sleeps.

Here's the full length shot. So handsome ;)

Honestly, I can't think of much going on right now to blog about. I guess Mhari has been potty training so that's been exciting. She finally has figured it out and only has occasional accidents, Hallelujah! I can't say that there would be any appropriate pictures to share of this latest accomplishment though :). October is almost here and that will be a busy exciting month :)!!
I guess you can't really go wrong with sleeping pictures. He really is so peaceful when he sleeps.
Here's the full length shot. So handsome ;)
Honestly, I can't think of much going on right now to blog about. I guess Mhari has been potty training so that's been exciting. She finally has figured it out and only has occasional accidents, Hallelujah! I can't say that there would be any appropriate pictures to share of this latest accomplishment though :). October is almost here and that will be a busy exciting month :)!!