Happy Memorial Day.
It was such a nice experience to have a day off from school and work for us to spend time together as a family. Jeff and I talked about lots of options for our day off and we decided on the Children's Museum. Well, it's really only worth it if you become a member... so we are now members and get to go back all year long! I'm excited - as are the kids... and probably Jeff too :). We have been in need of getting out and doing things together so this should help out with that!
Here goes all of the picture craziness of our day!
We started in the Dino section. Hard to resist all of the great dino stuff!
Talmage and Grant learning about fossils.
I thought Clark would like it too. It also gives some perspective on how huge the dino footprint is - now that you can see it ;).

Outside at the dino dig. The kids all loved that they got to find their own fossils! I didn't love the heat, or the sand, but the kids had a blast!
Next we ended up at the children's play area. There was a baby section... Yay! Jeff hung out with Clark and the other babies (and mommies). I tried to keep track of the other 4 as the ran between tons of cool stuff!
Sandra hung out in the baby section - she enjoyed taking care of the baby dolls and driving the ambulance ;).

This nice giraffe would tell you your height... very cool :)
The boys liked everything... it was hard to keep track of everyone - I didn't get any pics of the grocery shopping area, but Talmage was having a great time in there!
Outside in the water section:
Sandra found a little water section with duckies. She really liked the rubber ducks :)
The kids had a great time shooting the water at the pedals to make them move. Most of the outside time was spent on this activity :)

Clark even got to play in the water. There was a circle table with little baby chairs stuck all around it. I put him in and there was water dripping in the middle so he could splash in it. I'm sure he would have loved it if there was more water... he loves splashing!

The last thing we ended up seeing was the cattle section. It went over all of the different cattle trails, fun games for the kids - like how to round up the cattle, lots of displays - stirrups, barbed wire, etc, and tons of information. The kids watched about the hard times for the cattle ranchers movie while Clark napped and Mhari was sad.
We almost went and watched a show in the planetarium, but with the baby napping and Mhari on the verge of melt down (she fell asleep in the car on the way home) we decided we would come for a movie on our next Museum visit.
I'm very excited that we are members and get to go often and do such cool things! It was also great to see that there was something for all of my kids - even down to my 11 month old! It should be a very fun filled summer with lots of trips to the museum! Yay for family time!!