It is amazing to me that our first child was born over 12 years ago now! I remember all of the great firsts... being pregnant and all of those changes, going over my due date, getting induced, holding our fist baby after delivery, sleepless nights, cuddles, laughs, tickles, and lots of diapers too! It seems like it can't have all gone by so fast, but it has. We are entering into some exciting times now that Talmage is 12! He is old enough to be ordained to the priesthood, he gets to go to mutual and do camp outs and lots of other awesome scout stuff.
Talmage is a great son! He is really responsible and helpful. He loves to learn new things and set goals to accomplish them. He still loves to read :). He is a great older brother and will be a great husband and father some day.
We had a small family party because family was coming into town the next week to be here for his ordination.
Here he is opening presents.
His present stash!
Daddy loves to light the candles on the cakes. Talmage and Grant got to help this year too ;). Talmage even made his cake all by himself. It is an apple cake and was really good!
Make a wish!
We love our Talmage! Happy Birthday!