Part of the joy in walking is I live close to some great ladies that walk with me! I get some fun mommy time chatting plus the much needed exercise!
These are just 2 of the strollers... we usually have 3 and take up most of the street :).
Today it was so sweet one of our little friends shared her snack with Mhari while they were strollering close to each other. This is pretty special because the other little girl doesn't share food (from what her mommy told me).
We have so much fun! I love the ladies we walk with and it has been great motivation to get my body moving again! I also feel like it's a great start to the day!
So what gets you moving in the mornings?
Thats awesome Sharla. Thats something Im going to start doing too. Love your blog girlfriend.
Wait, I'm supposed to get moving in the morning? Wow, I wish someone had told me. I am one of those get-out-of-bed-when-I-absolutely-have-to-because-the-kids-are-starving-or-need-to-go-to-school types. It takes me a while to get going. :-)
It's the baby shouting for me or the chickens squawking for breakfast that gets me out of bed. Oh, you meant exercise. . .
When Oscar isn't here I don't get out of bed until I absolutely have to so for me it would be the ringing door bell or the need to potty.
Wildflowers are cool too :) I am just glad Amalia likes to ride as opposed to always having to walk, it would make our outings much shorter.
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