Monday, May 4, 2009

What's Up Doc?

Mhari and the carrot. I guess it was fun. I'm worried that she'll find more entertaining things to put there... like a bean, or marble!
She is going to drive me crazy! It's a good thing she's cute.


MammaMelgar said...

I've gotten good at removing things from kids noses so when she does stick something up there that you can't get out you can just bring her over.


Shannon was notorious for sticking things up her nose! Beans, corn, jaw breakers,(we still today have yet to figure out where she found it, cuz those were against the law at our house)but the one that was the Barbie cup. it was so far up in her nose, we couldn't tell what it was. It involved a lot of blood from her nose and mouth, and a trio to surgery to have it removed. Amazingly enough, that was the end of foreign objects in the nose!

clicker59 said...

When Tammy was working in the ER on the graveyard shift she was on duty when my Aunt and uncle had to bring my cousin in the ER and that was because Duncan was 2 years old and he placed a bean up his nose I heard about it the following day.

Machelle said...

Im very impressed that you grabbed your camera. I would have just been there cracking up or something, ya that is a good snap shot.