Monday, December 21, 2009

Horsey Rides!

I had a meeting Thurs night and later (maybe Friday) I was looking a the camera and found new pictures. This is what I missed out on, but what Jeff got to enjoy :).

I guess Grant wanted to be a horsey for Mhari. Then Talmage wanted to be a horsey for Sandra.

Such good big brothers!

Some day they'll be too big for this...

Until then, I just love when they play nice together! It is so sweet and makes all the fighting seem not so important :).


Remodelaholic said...

How fun that each girl has her own big brother!

PS There just is hardly anything cuter than the jammies with feet! It just makes me want to cuddle up with a warm little sleepy baby!

The Gee Six said...

That is so sweet! What good boys you have!

Cindy Killebrew said...

You are so right! Someday, they will be too big. Thanks for reminding me! Looks like fun!