OK the gender results are in!!!
Baby A profile view....

Isn't she cute?! Yep, a girl. She's got her hand by her mouth in the picture.
Baby B profile view...

Such a handsome little boy! He was so good for the ultrasound tech! We got to see his hands, fingers, feet, and face - good boy! Oh, and he was very open about his gender too. His sister took a little bit more convincing, but we snuck a great shot to be sure she's a girl!

Here is his arm and hand. Look at those fingers! So cool. It was fun to go to the specialist to get great pictures, and also figure out some of the other stuff that's been going on with this pregnancy (the 3rd baby). Kind of strange to have "high risk" pregnancy after 4 normal ones, but at least I'll end up with lots of photos :).
We have names, but are still finalizing the girl name. I'm sure it will spread around soon enough. I'm just happy to have the gender figured out at this point!!
CONGRATS!!! One of each is awesome.
Oh my gosh, you're ridiculous, woman. Well, in any case, the genders will remain in equilibrium.
How fun! Your family will have equal boys and girls then. I can't wait to hear the names!
How perfect! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear the names!
That was my guess except backwards - I think they called mixed up Baby A and Baby B, you'd better tell them! Congrats Lady!
Congrats! I think one of each is perfect for your family. I can't wait to find out names...so share ASAP! Hope you are feeling good.
Congrats! You guys will have so much fun with one of each. Your family will be totally balanced.
One of each is awesome! Congrats!
On another note, I've never heard anyone refer to a baby in an ultrasound picture as "cute" or "handsome". :-) I always thought mine kinda looked like aliens at that point . . . :-)
Twins! Wow! Congratulations! Of course more babies want to come your way--you are an incredible mom!
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