Clark Jeffrey Williams was born at 12:30 AM on June 22nd. He was 7 lbs 14 oz and 19.75 inches long. He is our smallest baby so that has been different getting used to. It isn't his fault though, he was only 36 weeks along. Mom and baby are fine and hopefully come home tomorrow. These are just a few pics for everyone to look at. I am sure Sharla will do a more proper post after she gets back. Don't know who he looks like yet but one thing we do know is that Mhari loves little baby Clark. ~ Jeff
How exciting! Congratulations!
He's beautiful! Congratualations! I really like his name too!
How sweet, congratulations on baby Clark.
Congrats you guys! He is so cute with his big sis! Love you!
Congrats you guys! I love it when the older siblings love their new baby! Too cute!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He may be your smallest, but he still has the sweet chubby cheeks like his siblings! We're SO happy for you!
Congrats! We can't wait to meet him.
Let me try this post again:). Congrats, we are so happy for you guys!!! Little Clark is such a cutie:)!
He is so cute! You did good! Congrats!
I am so happy for you! I hope Sharla gets home soon, and is feeling good!
Mhari is probably so excited for the live doll she gets to play with!
Enjoy that tiny baby!
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