With our new found love the kids have started to create obstacle courses to play their own wipeout games :). It started outside with the playground, but recently moved inside to the toy room. Last Tuesday Grant was playing Wipeout when I hear a loud scream as he comes to find me. He had blood on his face and a hole in his head... he really wiped out! I guess it's not as fun when someone really gets hurt :(.
With the look of the wound I knew we needed to get medical attention. It looked like a little y shape, accept it poked in making it look more like a puncture wound. We ended up at the local ER and after a good 3 hours he was finally being stitched up. I really hoped they would glue it shut, but since it was more of a puncture wound she opted to sew it up. Fun times.
Grant did great and was her "best patient ever, including adults"! If the wait at the ER wasn't so long it wouldn't have been any big deal. We all survived and Grant now has his first stitches...
Oh, and yes, they are right in the middle of his forehead... yah that's awesome. Good thing he doesn't have school pictures for a month or two!
The tricky part now is keeping him from running around like crazy so he doesn't re injure it. Let's just say that he's a very active boy and I really hope we can last till it's healed before he hits his head again!
Maybe the kids will be done playing wipeout for a while.
OUCH Grant. Are you guys coming to PHX for Christmas? Im getting married Jan. 1st.gedectz
Poor guy, but he sounds like a tough one. We are glad he is okay.
Poor Grant!! Our kids love Wipeout but they haven't started their own yet. I think I'll steer them away from that.
Clayton got a big gash on his scalp by tripping over a balloon, bouncing off of it, and hitting the corner of a shelf at the babysitter's house. No stitches though.
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