Sunday, October 31, 2010

4 months!

Our little Baby Clark has reached 4 months :). Well, really like a week ago, but hey, I'm updating now :). He had his check up this last week and the official stats are in:

Height - 26 1/2 inches
Weight - 20 lb 2 oz

He has passed all of our other children for their 4 month weigh-ins... that's pretty impressive if I do say :). He really is a good baby and is still pretty calm for a 4 month old. Here are some pictures of him on his 4 month birthday :)

He's gotten really good at smiling!

He still likes chewing on his hand, thumb, finger... well, whatever he can get!

Another smiling one... Just couldn't help it.
Look he actually chewed on a baby toy! Well, I put it in his hand, otherwise he would have been chewing on his hand still :).

He has started giggling when we tickle him - so cute. He has also started making more cooing noises. Time is moving along and he will just keep growing up. We just love our Baby Shark (he's wearing his shark shirt if you didn't notice ;))!

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