Today was Sandra's preschool graduation. She was so excited about it all week. I think that was because she didn't have to wear dress code and got to wear a pretty dress instead. After everything was over she told me "Mommy, we all look like princesses today!" So cute!
The program was short and sweet. They sang three songs that they have done all year, then they passed out the "diplomas" and then there was a picture slide show. Sandra did all of the songs great - with all the actions :). The slideshow was so great. I admit I cried. They showed individual pictures of the kids from the beginning of the year with a recent photo - it was shocking to see how much Sandra's grown up! I am so proud of my little girl for all she has accomplished this year. I know she'll love Kindergarten!
I didn't get any good pictures during the performance... something about being too far away and holding a baby don't go well together :(. But I did get a few afterwards :):
Sandra and Mhari hugging.
Now it's time to wrap up and start lining up... instead she takes a few minutes to dance on the stage (with her sister):

Just another reminder that I should look into dance classes. I guess... stage, plus dress must equal dancing :). Silly girl!
Congrats to our sweet Chica!
I love how sweet Sandra is with her little sister! Congrats on the pre-k graduate...may the time move slowly (for you at least) and the precious moments be many before her big high school graduation! :)
so cute, and in her little butterfly skirt. Congrats Sandra
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