Monday, January 8, 2018

Cast Away

The day has finally come for Talmage's cast to go away!  We have been no so patiently awaiting this day.  Talmage has developed into a pro on crutches.  He was pretty nervous to let go of them.  

Cutting away the old cast....

The atrophy of the left leg compared to the right leg.  Not as bad as I thought it would be. 

 Well, the cast went away, but he's not free yet.  He is now in a boot and has to continue to use his crutches to help him walk.  Talmage just got a lot slower!

I must say that I was not aware of the time frame involved with healing a broken bone.  I naively believed that once the cast came off we would be done.  Instead we will deal with the boot for at least another month while he tries to stimulate bone growth as he puts some pressure on it while walking with the crutches.  I'm exhausted and I'm not the even one with the broken leg ;(. 
It's a good thing Talmage is a good sport!

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