Monday, February 19, 2018


The day has arrived, after all of the teasing with multiple Dr. appointments, for the boot to come off!  Talmage was so happy to reach FREEDOM!  By the end of his time with the boot he wasn't even using his crutches ... just dragging them along :).  

Let's just say it was entertaining to see him "walking."

Here are the before and after pictures!  His bone has formed a nice callous around his break.  There is still a little line to heal, but the Dr. wasn't worried about it since it's encased so well.  

The bone is pulled back into place!

It was fun to see Talmage walk out of the office!  

Our first stop on the way home was Sam's club to buy new shoes, since he had worn out the right show of his old pair!

It was crazy to see how red his leg was by the end of the day.  I'm sure his leg wasn't used to so much free blood circulation!

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