Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Double Expansion!

The time has come for Clark to get expanders... yes, double expanders at that.  I honestly was hoping that his overbite would give him enough room for all of his teeth and he wouldn't need any ortho work, but boy was I wrong.  He has a really deep bite and because of that he doesn't have room for all of his teeth.  He has his 2 front incisors in, but the next set doesn't have room to come down.  His poor tiny mouth has so many big teeth waiting to have space to join the party.  Clark has been a good sport about it all and may have head gear for a few months to help correct the position of his jaw.  He would only have to wear it at night tho so that's good at least.  I think the plan is between a year and a year and half for this phase... phase 1.  

The before shot!

Happily waiting.  Let's just say that Clark didn't know what he was in for.  He didn't look nearly so happy when we left the office.  The part that really bothered him was the taste of the cement to put in the permanent retainer.  He also doesn't care for the plastic taste of the expander.  Things like that really bother Clark.  Luckily after being home for a few hours the taste seemed to weaken.

Look at all of those adult teeth crowded out.  Hopefully they will have room soon enough!

Here are the appliances in his mouth.  You really can't see anything when he is smiling :).

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