like son.
Talmage has always been very logical and orderly, a lot like his father (in the way they think). I have never really thought of teaching Talmage chess because I figured he was too young. I also don't enjoy strategy games because I'm a sore loser so I haven't played in a long time. I think I've gotten better with my emotions, but it's still not my favorite thing.
Recenty our babysitter (thanks Rebecca) introduced him to chess and he really enjoys it. Lucky for me Daddy gets to play with him. Daddy is also really good with him about looking for other pieces that could kill his piece and helping him along. Talmage would play every day if he had time :). It's funny to me to see how individual each child is in their interests :). I'm grateful that Jeff is willing to play with him and has the patience to teach him!
Wow! I can't believe that he has the patience to sit there and play chess. I'm impressed!
You might want to try a computer now, if you are comfortable with it. It should take him to the next level with out taking up anyone else's time. I always like Battlechess as a kid.
Wow, that's so amazing. Go Talmage!
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