My kids have really been enjoying being outside lately. With all the rain we had recently our grass is even green again :). I'm glad that Sandra and Grant have been getting along so well with Talmage in school. Here they are standing on the swings together.
If you couldn't tell, they are being super heros with their blankets. They both like to swing and slide to get the blankets to look like they are flying. She likes to go slowly, but will go fast if I encourage her. Then she needs claps, me to say "good job" and hugs.
Here is the our little Mhari out playing in the grass. She and Cody love to be outside too so during the morning we have some outside time. Doesn't she look so happy (and dirty)!
I am very jealous that you have such nice weather. It is still really hot here. Hopefully it will cool off soon. Cute pictures.
I love the super hero capes. I was just thinking about making one for Riley like the one I had growing up (one side was superman and the other was batman). FUN!
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