Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cheddar's YUM

We try to eat out once a month, usually the Saturday before Fast Sunday.  We took the kids to Cheddar's for some good food at pretty good prices.  Talmage had been out at work, but met us in time to eat and then run off to work again.  Talmage is working at Baskin Robins scooping ice cream.  Grant has a job too that he took over from Tanner Greenwood.  It's a lawn mowing business and he mows lawns every weekend.  It brings in good money, but it is hard hot work (that he really doesn't like doing).  

The waiter was super fun so that made the dinner even better.  Daddy was being silly so I got some good pictures of his faces :).  Clark also ordered a normal size hamburger... which was huge, but he ate it all!  Fun memories!

Handsome boys

Silly Daddy 

Big bite!

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