Sunday, June 7, 2020

Pigs on Pasture

The pigs have been growing so well!  Their pig pen in the garage is starting to get cramped... and stinky!  Let's face it, if they didn't stink and have so many flies it wouldn't be so bad, but they do, and it is.  We decided we were done and we needed to take them to the ranch to live on their .02 acre pasture.  It was a hot day, but they survived the trip.  They settled in pretty easily and it felt great to see them happy and with space to enjoy!

This is also the weekend that the mulcher guy came out to clear out property lines and pasture lines so we can work on fencing.  He was out for 3 days and cleared a ton of stuff out!  It sure is nice to have things ready to make progress!  We can't wait to get our Bison!


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