Friday, November 11, 2022

Good-bye old friend

Our washing machine has died :(.  It was such a good washing machine!  We bought it brand new with the dryer about 5 years ago.  It survived the move and washed lots of dirty ranch clothes.  Unfortunately, they just don't build them like they used to, and he has died.  Trying to find a replacement was tricky.  

I really wanted an older unit without all of the fancy electronics.  The motherboard is what died on our old one, so we didn't want the same type of issues in the future.  Let's just say that they don't make a simple machine with a decent load capacity.  After a few weeks of searching, we finally got one from Don's appliances.  It seems to be working well but has more electronics than I wanted.  Hopefully it will last longer than 5 years!


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