Friday, February 23, 2024

He's Home!

2 years is over!  Elder Grant Williams is home!!  He flew into DFW airport and was scheduled to arrive at 12:10 pm.  Jeff set up a time to do temple baptisms with him at 1:30. This would be Lorna's first time getting to do baptisms.  It was going to be an exciting day! 

We left in time to get to the airport around 12 noon as his plane was already set to arrive early (like 11:49).  That would give him time to taxi and deplane.  He still had to make it to the baggage claim to pick up his stuff too.  While driving the arrival time kept getting moved sooner and sooner.  His plane ended up landing a half an hour early, at 11:40 am.  Let's just say that we can't drive that fast to make up that amount of time.  Grant beat us to the airport :(.  He was pretty bummed.  He did have Elder Thompson to hang out with and his family while he waited for us.  We were still in Dallas when he arrived.  Dallas traffic was a nightmare.  Then there was a lane closure on top of traffic.  It was all quite stressful!  Thankfully we finally made it to the airport and met up with Grant!  I got my hug!  Lorna came in with me and she got a hug too.  Then we went out and met up with Clark and Jeff who were still with the truck, curbside.  

We headed off to the temple and grabbed some lunch along the way.  It had been a long night and morning for Grant.  I'm sure he was exhausted.  We had a nice time in the temple.  I'm so happy we got to do that with Lorna.  After the temple it was time to head home.  President Rhodus had a very busy weekend and wasn't able to meet up with Grant to release him until Saturday evening.  Grant was ready to be released and not wait, so we helped make that happen and he got released over the phone on the drive home.  

It was great to meet up with Sandra and Mhari when we got home.  Then it was time for Grant to settle in a little.  Welcome home Grant!  We missed you!

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