Saturday, May 18, 2024

Metal Time

I got a better photo of the new calf.  It's so small!  Tracy is being such a good mom.  Still waiting on more calves though. 
Talmage and Grant went to Phoenix for their cousins wedding receptions.  They had a great trip and got to do some temple work with Grandparents too.  While they were gone, we started putting the metal roofing on the garage.   It took several hours to get the first 3 panels on.  Man, this was way harder than we remembered!  Lorna mentioned we should predrill the holes in the panels.  We had to go buy a metal bit to drill the holes with.  By the time we were ready to work again it was afternoon.  We finally started making some good progress!  The sun was crazy hot, and we were all sweating like pigs.  We were about 4 panels away from finishing the first side, but it was time to stop for the day, so we didn't die.  It was very defeating to be up on the roof and know how quickly the well house roof went up... and see how long this took us.  Having Elder Maloney help on that project truly was a blessing!  We will get this roof up, but it will be a slow and steady pace.  


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