Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Biopsy Time

Jeff got a PET scan back in June.  The scan showed that he has a growth on a lymph node in his low back, spine area.  He also has a mass in his right lung.  Before the oncologist will move forward with any treatment he wants to investigate the masses to see what we are dealing with.  There are a few options.  1. They are both the same testicular cancer from a year ago.  2. They are not the same cancer, but something new altogether.  3.  They are each something different.  We would like them to be option 1.  

Time to go under!

Some faces before he gets wheeled away!

Poor Hunny!  Has to have grippy socks to help him not fall.  

Time to wake up!

Let's just say that it took a lot of convincing!  Poor guy doesn't like getting put under! After a few hours we finally got him awake and into the car!  It took him at least a day before he was feeling somewhat normal again. 

The mass in Jeff's back is the same cancer and very treatable.  The lung mass had inconclusive results.  Unfortunately that leaves us a bit in the dark.  The Dr. wants to know what it is before he starts treatment.  Jeff will talk with a thoracic surgeon before deciding what treatment plan to do.  

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