Friday, April 12, 2019


Talmage got to go to Mormon Prom this year.  He ended up going with a cousin of a girl in the ward, named Sophi.  He had asked several girls who couldn't go with him and so when the cousin wanted to go and needed a date he was willing to ask her.  He had met her at a dance before and after talking with her the date was set.  

They met up at the cousin's house and set out from there.  I got to be there to take photos of them :).  It was a great mom moment!  I then took them to north Fort Worth to meet up with their double date for dinner.  After dinner they headed up to Denton for prom.  I got to pick them up afterwards and take them home.  It was fun to listen to their conversations.  I tried to be a good mom and listen politely... no interruptions ;).  Talmage had a nice night and enjoyed his first prom!

 So handsome!

 Robert, Rebecca, Sophi and Talmage

Kendall, David, Talmage and Sohpi at the restaurant

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