Friday, December 1, 2023

Our 6 Kids!

Another year is about gone and it's a good time to do the photo update for the wall and update about our kids.  They are all growing up too fast, but I should be used to that by now :(.  Our family isn't all together so some of the photos had to be stolen from my kids emails and such.  

Talmage is still serving in the St. George, UT mission.  He is still loving it and learning so much.  He has served a lot of time in Singles Wards as well as at college Institutes.  He loves the people and sharing the gospel!  He never wants to come home!  He just turned 21 in October!  That is weird to have such an old child!  

Grant is loving his mission in Pocatello, ID.  He's been out in the outskirts in Afton, WY, but thankfully moved back in closer for the winter.  He is enjoying his companions and teaching the gospel.  He misses driving and will be coming home this coming February!  It will be great to have him home!  He turns 20 in December!

Sandra is 17 (almost 18) and loving life at BYU-Idaho!  She is rooming with Savanah Hull.  She has made lots of new friends from her other roommates and classes.  She has joined a volleyball team and loves playing.  She also tries to get out and go swing dancing as often as possible.  Photography is her favorite class.  She is learning so much!  She spent Thanksgiving with Paul and Karen in UT.  She had a great time bonding with her cousins!  We are ready for her to be home, but she is already making plans to go back up for the spring semester in April!

Mhari is growing up so much!  She is almost 16!  She's been doing great with driving and is set to take her driving test on December 11th, the Monday after her birthday.  She will be applying for jobs so she can earn money and help pay for car insurance.  She loves seminary and spending time with friends.  She still crochets cute animals too!  

Clark is growing like crazy!  He is 13 and almost 6'2"!  He loves being tall and really wants to be 6'6".  He may very well reach it too.  He loves to play Ark on PlayStation.  He is maturing a lot, but also is enjoying being a silly teenage boy.  Jeff and he get along really well!  He will be a Teacher in January and is looking forward to those new responsibilities.  I think he really just wants to not be a Deacon anymore ;).  

Lorna is 11 and not so little anymore!  She's 5'1" and so happy about it!  She's been shorter than everyone her whole life and she is seeing the opportunity that she won't be little for much longer!  Her feet are bigger than Sandra's and she wears her hand me downs all too well!  Goats and Horses are still Lorna's favorite things!  She really wants to learn to ride a horse.  After we move onto the ranch there may be some opportunities to get her some riding lessons!  She will be in Young Womens in January!  She's looking forward to weekly activities and going to the temple.  We will all be able to go as a family!  

Life really is moving right along!  We love our kids so much and are so grateful for the blessing of being their parents!  


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