Friday, March 8, 2024


A family in the ward, the Bakers, have horses.  We met them while cleaning the church building last week.  Lorna was so excited to learn that they had horses and that they would love to have her come learn to ride them.  Sandra also loves horses and would love to learn to ride them as well.  I guess, all the kids would love to ride horses.  Lorna started bugging me about planning a time to go over and ride horses the next day.  I caught up with Sister Merrilee Baker at church and tentatively arranged a time for the next week. 

Today we went over after ranch chores and Sandra met up with us after she got off work.  Lorna and Clark learned about brushing the horse and getting it saddled.  The horse that got to be ridden is named Clyde.  We adjusted the stirrups for Lorna's size.  Then she took Clyde into the round pen to work him out before riding him.  Merrilee did great teaching Lorna how to get up on the horse and how to direct Clyde.  Sandra then took her turn.  Merrilee let Sandra take Clyde out of the round pen and walk around a bit.  The girls loved it!  Clark was very interested, but happy to be there and not ride yet too.  

Hopefully this friendship will give all the kids the experience they want with horses.  It seems like this relationship could build into many more weeks spent learning to ride horses!  


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