Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipsed and Countdown!

The total eclipse happened today.  Jeff and the kids saw the eclipse at home, and it was 99% totality.  I was out doing some grocery shopping in Tyler and got to see 100% totality in the Wal-Mart parking lot!  It was really quite amazing.  I remembered the eclipse from 2017, but this was way better.  Everything got darker and even cooler.  The clouds parted enough to see the eclipse happen.  It really feels like the end of times.  
Also, while shopping I found milk that has the same date as when Talmage comes home from his mission.  It's my 10 day count down milk!  I never could find the milk jugs with the right date for Grant's return home, and I was bummed.  Such an exciting day!


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