Thursday, April 18, 2024

Home Again!!

It is here!  Talmage is home and the whole family is back together!  Grant made a welcome home sign for Talmage!  Sandra was busy with some work on the Baker's ranch and Mhari was working, but everyone else went to the airport.  It was so great to see Talmage again!  We got there before he did... that is a miracle in itself.  Jeff parked the truck and we all got hugs!  Then we got his luggage and headed for home.  We stopped at a Little Ceasars to grab some pizza for lunch.  It was fun listening to Talmage and Grant talk about mission stuff.  It's so nice to see them reconnecting after almost 2 and a half years of being apart!  

That evening Talmage got to see Sandra and Mhari again!  Our old Bishop, Tom Black, came by to see the boys (as he was in Tyler for work).  That night Talmage and Grant went to President Rhodus' home for Talmage to get released.  I know Talmage was looking forward to catching up with President.  It's crazy that their missions are over.  It's like time just marches on faster and faster the older you get!


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