Friday, April 12, 2024

Six Flags Fun

Another fun trip to Arlington to spend time with friends at 6 Flags!  Gotta put our season passes to good use!  This was Sandra's last trip before she heads off to college.  We met up with the Sagnimeni family!  Christina only stayed for a little bit and then had mom duties to get home to.  Her older kids stayed and hung out with us.  This was Lorna's first time to go on Superman.  She did so well.  It can be pretty intimidating, but she did it!  She is making a goal to do bigger rides and not to be so scared.  Joke was closed or she would have rode that one again too.  Clark doesn't like big rides, but he had fun doing Batman, teacups, and even the bob sled ride!  It was an exhausting good day!

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