Monday, September 14, 2015

Clothing the naked

Sandra has lots of cute little animals.  She loves them :).  She found some scraps of material and asked me to make her animals little robes.  I wasn't ready to tackle that project, and the material was so small!  I ended up saying no.  Well, Sandra is one lucky girl because her big brother was willing to help out! Talmage decided to help and got out his Boy Scout sewing kit to make it all happen!  What a good big brother!

The cloaks turned out so cute too!  Teach us to love Lord of the Rings so much :)

What a happy Sandra!

Sandra and Talmage playing with the animals in their home Sandra made for them. 

A week later I was looking for Clark... I actually figured he had fallen asleep.  When I found him he was curled up reading a library book!  He may not be able to read quite yet, but that doesn't stop him from loving books just the same!

We have some awesome kids :)

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