Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Sandra and Savannah Hull are a day apart (and a year) for their birthdays.  Since Amanda and I love each other and want to have fun reasons to get together, we arranged a birthday surprise for the girls!  OK, so maybe it was a tiny bit selfish, but they benefited too :).  We tried to think of something fun for the girls to do together, but nothing we thought of worked.  We chose to do pedicures (which was fabulous for us), but I'm sure they would have been happy doing something else.  It was fun to have Sandra do something girly, even if she would rather not be girly ;)

After the pedicures we went to Marble Slab for dessert!  The ice cream was wonderful!  We sat outside the store hanging out and chatting for about an hour before we headed our separate ways.  I'm so glad we did a fun surprise for the girls and that we got to get together!  Yay for good friends!

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