Friday, December 27, 2019

Port Free

Jeff's check ups and scans have gone really well this year and it was time for his port to come out!  Jeff's Dr has been so good and did both the insert and the removal.  Both times Jeff asked to not be put to sleep because he reacts badly to anesthesia and the Dr. agreed.  He even told Jeff he was his best patient (awake that is).  I think the most time consuming part of the procedure is all of the waiting and prepping.  We got there and waited like 2 hours before they were actually really even close to ready for the surgery.  I understand the reason for it, but the surgery was only about a half an hour.  He then had to wait a half hour after the surgery to make sure he wasn't having any reactions and then we were released.  Oh well, at least that was the worst part of the day :)

His bump is gone and he is left with hopefully his scar from cancer!  

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