Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kid Accomplishments!

Here are some of the exciting kid happenings in our home over the last week :)

The other day Sandra pointed to my hair and said "I want one of those." Then I saw she was pointing to my ponytail! Poor thing. I just recently trimmed her hair to help it look more uniform as it grows out. It is looking tons better, but not quite long enough for a ponytail. She broke my heart and I had to try....

This is the first day with just the ponytail and clips. The next time we did water and gel and that worked a lot better. Let's just say it takes a lot of clips, but it works. She is happy to feel more like a girl :). One day it really will be long enough!

I looked outside at the kids playing yesterday and saw Grant and Sandra swinging together. It was so cute I had to take a photo. I must say Sandra is probably quite smooshed under there! By the end of it she said Grant was smushing her. It was too funny. Maybe next time she'll get to be the one on top, not getting squished.

Mhari loves the swing! Seriously loves it! She will scream if the kids take "her" swing. Then it takes forever to get her off. The reasons to get off would be to slide, play with hens, or throw the ball, I guess food would go in that category as well. I think she prefers swinging the most though. She does really well on the big swing and hasn't fallen off yet. I wonder how old she'll be when she figures out she can do it herself!

Our last accomplishment is typing! Mhari also loves the computer! I think she sees me on it enough that it must be fun... right?! I move the mouse so she can't get it, but recently she has started getting the keyboard. It's an adventure to see what is on the screen after I get her down!

I guess in going along with typing, she can also climb up onto chairs on her own now. This makes the typing that much cuter :). Jeff just saw it today so I decided I should take pictures, even though it will encourage her to keep doing it.
Kids are learning so many skills so young these days :). It's amazing what older siblings (and a mommy that likes the computer) can do for your education!


Machelle said...

How cute is Sandra to have a ponytail now. And Mhari, you better watch that girl she is sure growing up. She might just have her own blog soon. Hahaha.

XUE said...

my kids would love to have those swings in our tiny backyard!

MammaMelgar said...

I love the ponytail, too cute.

Alli said...

I loved swinging when I was a kid too, it rocks.

Cindy Killebrew said...

ThE Ponytail looks great! Mhari looks so cute swinging.

clicker59 said...

Most kids do get to learn tings at a early age have you thought about buying her a Children's computer that either runs on batteries or a AC Adaptor? and you don't have to hook it up to the internet?