Monday, January 25, 2016

Real or Fake?

For Primary I was in charge of Sharing Time.  I did a lesson about what is real or fake.  I had fake flowers and fruit to try to trick the children to see if they could tell what was real or fake.  They didn't realize it was a game at the beginning (that I would actually bring fake things), but by the end they had figured it out and just started guessing things were fake.  One of the funny things were how good the fake fruit looked, especially the apples.  I ended up cutting the fruit up to see, taste, touch and experience what is real.  I think the lesson went over well everyone was engaged.  At the end of church I took home my left over objects.  I put the fake fruit with the kids toy food for them to enjoy. 

The next day I was teaching the kids for school when Lorna came in eating the fake fruit.  She had tried really hard to take bites out of that apple!  She was even in primary for my lesson the day before!  It was really funny to see how hard she tried to take a bite!

Satan uses lots of trickery and his tricks look really good ... just like this apple. 

I hope I can teach my children to avoid things that are not real and lasting for their future.  It is a hard lesson that even I am continuing to learn today!

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