Saturday, May 27, 2017

Making Friends

We have been working on making friends :).  One of the families we are friends with is the McCrarys.  They live in the ward next to us and they recently joined our co-op.  The homeschool and have 2 teenage boys and a daughter in speech with Clark.  It's like they are our perfect friends ;).  We invited them over to swim and everyone had a great time.  When they were getting ready to go the kids started a card game.  It was so fun to see them all sitting around the table enjoying each other!

Lorna made quick friends with their daughter, Caroline.  They are too cute together!

 Then we got word of a family moving into the ward that needed help moving a gun safe.  Jeff offered to house it in one of our garages, but I guess that was a no go.  That thing was beastly!

Jeff was wearing boots so he didn't end up pushing it much.  Seriously there is only so much room for people to push and pull this thing up to the 2nd floor apartment.  

It's always nice to have new move ins, especially if they like guns too :).  

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