Sunday, July 6, 2008

What is that?

So, I have all of these goals of keeping a clean home. I have realized with all of my good intentions that I think that my kids are secretly sabotaging my efforts. They just like to play and suddenly toys or animals or papers will invade my once clean space. I try to involve the kids in the cleaning process so maybe it will rub off on them. Unfortunately I don't think the house ever lasts more than a few hours (during naps) staying clean. So at the end of one of these cleaning efforts with the kids one of the boys gave Sandra a sock. I looked at it and realized that it was one left from Grandma when she was last here and that it wasn't Sandra's. I didn't think much of it until I walked by this door and saw the sock on the handle. Hmmmm. Is that why my house is never clean? Do they just not know where to put things (not that the sock had a home anyway)? See, sabotage!
I should not jump to such hasty conclusions. . . when I asked Talmage about the sock he said that he put it on the door for the next time Grandma comes to visit so we don't forget to give it to her. We can just keep it on the door until then (that would be next summer at the earliest). It was sweet to see him being thoughtful and trying to find a way to give the sock back to it's proper owner. I guess I should just enjoy the humor in it instead of fretting over my once clean home :). Kids really are great! (no the sock is no longer on the door knob)


Amber Joy said...

That is just too funny. Of course put the sock on the door handle so you remember it!

Amanda said...

LOL, I've been having the kids involved in cleaning the house for years now and they still don't understand if you put things away when they are done with it that it will be easier to clean up later! Maybe someday it will sink in! Good Luck!

Katy B. said...

That boy is too cute! Don't stress out about having a super clean house too'll go crazy!:) I know! I've had those moments!:)

Cindy Killebrew said...

I have days like that too! I love the reason he did it. That sounds like something Todd would do. :)