Saturday, April 5, 2014


Daddy is playing soccer this season!  He is on team Bullocks :).  The kids and I went to watch him :).  It happened to be a very windy and cold night.  It was also late so we had taken 2 cars so I could get the kids to bed at a reasonable time.  That turned out to be a really good thing with the cold wind. We ended up heading home after about a half hour or so. 
Here are some pictures for what we stayed to watch:

Clark, Grant and Lorna on the bleackers 

Talmage.  Daddy stretching :)

Cute bug

Daddy on the field

Two boys watching their Daddy :)

The kids were bored with the bleachers and started to make their own game on the sidelines.  I was concerned that they wouldn't keep the ball off the game field, but overall they did pretty well.

It was a fun evening watching Daddy.  We will have to go again and hopefully the weather will be better too!

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