Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hunting for Eggs

This year Grandma and Grandpa were in town at the end of March.  They were helping Michelle move out from Phoenix so that she can work full-time for Jeff in his office.  This will be a huge help to Jeff's business since I can't be there full-time while we are home schooling.  While everyone was in town we decided it would be fun to do an Easter activity!  The Grandparents got the eggs and candy and we got a hunt together!  It wasn't too big or crazy, but the kids really enjoyed it.  We gave an egg limit per kid so the little ones had a chance to collect enough too.  It all balanced out in the end since we had organized the candy into individual size bags with the same candy per person. 
This was Clark and Lorna's first Easter Egg hunt too!
 Mhari and Bree
 She found an egg!


Grandma watching all of the fun!

Grant and Sandra

Found it!

Looking in the tall grass (weeds).

Bree and Grant

We don't do anything huge for Easter.  There is no Easter bunny or baskets for the kids.  We focus on the resurrection of Christ.  This is the second year we have made resurrection rolls and the kids really love doing that.  It was General Conference this Easter so it was nice to hear from the General Authorities.  We also celebrated Michelle's birthday and had the family over for dinner.  I think enjoying it together with family makes it special :). 

Happy Easter!

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